Calendar Notes

Tuesdays: Library Days: Please return your books so new books can be checked out!

February 28: Term 2 Ends: Report Cards will come home Thursday, March 5.

Note Date Change: Monday, March 9, Tuesday March 10 and Wednesday, March 11: Parent/Teacher Conferences. If you would like to meet with me before or after these dates, it would be helpful to me to have some conferences outside of these dates. I have set aside Wednesdays until 8:00 pm to meet with parents. I do have some Wednesdays that I have a staff meeting from 2:30-4:00. If you would like to schedule a parent/teacher conference with me outside of the March 9, 10 and 11 dates, please let me know. If you do not hear back from me within 24 hours (email) please text me (763-229-4492) some of my emails are not showing up in my email feed.

Thursday, March 5: All School Musical: Two performances 1:00 pm and 7:00 pm; The Pirates of Penzance. All students are expected to attend. The older students will have special parts, the younger students, including first grade, will be joining in the music parts of the musical. Students should just wear their normal school clothes. Watch the newsletter for arrival times in the evening.

Monday, March 9: No School: Teacher Workshop in the morning and Parent Teacher Conferences in the afternoon.

April 6-April 13: No School Spring Break/Holy Week

Tuesday, April 14: School Resumes

Thursday, April 16: Field Trip to Mill City

God’s Blessings,
Mrs. Volberding
763-229-4492 cell:
Please leave your name if you text or leave a voice message
763-420-2426 ext. 22 school

God’s Blessings,
Mrs. Volberding
763-504-9947 home
763-420-2426 ext. 22 school
Remember your child should be reading every day!  At least two books a week should be an AR (computer test) book! Many first-grade students are already reading one a night. Students who read and pass 100 AR book tests will get a Barnes and Noble gift card from me at the end of the year. For term 3 first grade students must read 12 AR books in the 12-week term for part of their grade