District: Select a district 23432432, 32423423 32423 Ada-borup School District 2854, Ada 56510 Adrian Ind School District 511, Adrian 56110 Aitkin Ind School District 1, Aitkin 56431 Albany Area Sch District 745, Albany 56307 Albert Lea Area Schools, Albert Lea 56007 Alden-conger Ind Sch Dist 242, Alden 56009 Alexandria Ind School Dist 206, Alexandria 56308 Alvarado School District 436, ALVARADO 56710 Amboy-Good Thunder Ind Sd 79, AMBOY 56010 Annandale Ind School Dist 876, Annandale 55302 Anoka-hennepin Ind Sch Dist 11, Coon Rapids 55433 Appleton Ind School Dist 784, APPLETON 56208 Archdioc St Paul-mnpls Ed Off, Saint Paul 55102 Argyle Ind School District 437, ARGYLE 56713 Ashby Ind School District 261, Ashby 56309 Atwater-cosmos-grove City Sd, Grove City 56243 Austin Ind School District 492, Austin 55912 Babbitt Ind School Dist 692, BABBITT 55706 Badger Ind School District 676, Badger 56714 Bagley Ind School District 162, Bagley 56621 Balaton Ind School Dist 411, Balaton 56115 Barnesville Ind Sch Dist 146, Barnesville 56514 Barnum Ind School District 91, Barnum 55707 Barrett Ind School Dist 262, BARRETT 56311 Battle Lake Ind Sch Dist 542, Battle Lake 56515 Beardsley Ind School Dist 57, BEARDSLEY 56211 Becker Ind School District 726, Becker 55308 Belgrade-brootn-elrosa Sd 2364, Brooten 56316 Belle Plaine Ind Sch Dist 716, Belle Plaine 56011 Bellingham Ind School Dist 371, Ortonville 56278 Belview Ind School Dist 631, BELVIEW 56214 Bemidji Ind School District 31, Bemidji 56601 Benson Ind School District 777, Benson 56215 Bertha-hewitt Ind Sch Dist 786, Bertha 56437 Big Lake Ind School Dist 727, Big Lake 55309 Bird Is-olivia-lake Lillian Sd, Olivia 56277 Blackduck Ind School Dist 32, Blackduck 56630 Blooming Prairie Ind Sd 756, Blmng Prairie 55917 Bloomington Pub Sch Dist 271, Bloomington 55431 Blue Earth Area Ind Sd 2860, Blue Earth 56013 Borup Ind School District 522, BORUP 56519 Braham Ind School District 314, Braham 55006 Brainerd Ind School Dist 181, Brainerd 56401 Brainerd-Staples Voc Tech Sd, BRAINERD 56401 Brandon Ind School Dist 207, Brandon 56315 Breckenridge Ind Sch Dist 846, Breckenridge 56520 Brewster Ind School Dist 513, Brewster 56119 Brooklyn Center Ind Sd 286, Brooklyn Ctr 55430 Brooten Ind School Dist 737, BROOTEN 56316 Browerville Ind Sch Dist 787, Browerville 56438 Browns Valley Ind Sd 801, Browns Valley 56219 Buffalo Hanover Montrose Sd, Buffalo 55313 Buffalo Lake Isd 647, BUFFALO LAKE 55314 Buffalo Lake-hector Isd 2159, Hector 55342 Bureau of Indian Affairs School Burnsville-eagan-savage Sd 191, Burnsville 55337 Butterfield-odin Ind Sd 836, Butterfield 56120 Byron Ind School District 531, Byron 55920 Caledonia Ind School Dist 299, Caledonia 55921 Cambridge-isanti Sch Dist 911, Cambridge 55008 Campbell-tintah Ind Sd 852, Campbell 56522 Canadian District Canadian Private School Canadian Public School Canby Ind School District 891, Canby 56220 Cannon Falls Ind Sch Dist 252, Cannon Falls 55009 Carlton Ind School District 93, Carlton 55718 Carver-Scott Co-Op Voc Dist, Chaska 55318 Cass Lake-bena Ind Sd 115, Cass Lake 56633 Catholic School Cedar Mountain Sch Dist 2754, Morgan 56266 Centennial Ind School Dist 12, Circle Pines 55014 Central School District 108, Nya 55368 Ceylon Ind School District 451, CEYLON 56121 Chandler-Lake Wilson Isd 918, CHANDLER 56122 Chatfield Ind School Dist 227, Chatfield 55923 Chisago Lakes Isd 2144, Lindstrom 55045 Chisholm Ind School Dist 695, Chisholm 55719 Chokio-alberta Ind Sd 771, Chokio 56221 Clarkfield Ind School Dist 892, CLARKFIELD 56223 Clearbrook-gonvick Sd 2311, Clearbrook 56634 Cleveland Public Sch Dist 391, Cleveland 56017 Climax-shelly Ind Sch Dist 592, Climax 56523 Clnton-gracevl-brdsley Sd 2888, Clinton 56225 Cloquet Ind School District 94, Cloquet 55720 College Columbia Heights Isd 13, Columbia Hts 55421 Comfrey Ind School District 81, Comfrey 56019 Cook Co Sch Dist 166, Grand Marais 55604 Cosmos Ind School District 461, COSMOS 56228 Cottonwood River Tech Sch Dist, Springfield 56087 County Center County Operated School Cromwell-wright Ind Sd 95, Cromwell 55726 Crookston Ind School Dist 593, Crookston 56716 Crosby-ironton School Dist 182, Crosby 56441 Cyrus Ind School District 611, Cyrus 56323 Dakota Co Voc Co-Op Dist 917, ROSEMOUNT 55068 Danube Ind School Dist 648, DANUBE 56230 Dassel-cokato Ind Sch Dist 466, Cokato 55321 Dawson-boyd Isd 378, Dawson 56232 Day Care Center Deer River Ind School Dist 317, Deer River 56636 Delano Ind School District 879, Delano 55328 Delavan Ind School Dist 218, DELAVAN 56023 Detroit Lakes Ind Sch Dist 22, Detroit Lakes 56501 Dilworth-glyndn-feltn Isd 2164, Dilworth 56529 Diocesan Office Diocese Of Crookston Ed Office, Crookston 56716 Diocese Of Duluth Ed Office, Duluth 55812 Diocese Of New Ulm Ed Office, New Ulm 56073 Diocese Of St Cloud Ed Office, Saint Cloud 56303 Diocese Of Winona Ed Office, Winona 55987 Dover-eyota Ind Sch Dist 533, Eyota 55934 Duluth Edison Charter Schools, Duluth 55811 Duluth Ind School District 709, Duluth 55802 Eagle Valley Isd 2759, Eagle Bend 56446 Eagle Valley School District, CLARISSA 56440 East Central Isd 2580, Finlayson 55735 East Grand Forks Ind Sd 595, E Grand Forks 56721 East Range Sec Tech District, VIRGINIA 55792 Eastern Carver Co Schools, Chaska 55318 Echo Ind School District 893, ECHO 56237 Eden Prairie Ind Sch Dist 272, Eden Prairie 55344 Eden Valley-watkins Ind Sd 463, Eden Valley 55329 Edgerton Ind School Dist 581, Edgerton 56128 Edina Public School Dist 273, Edina 55424 Elbow Lake Ind School Dist 263, BARRETT 56311 Elgin-Millville Ind Sd 806, Elgin 55932 Elk River Ind School Dist 728, Elk River 55330 Ellendale-Geneva Ind Sd 762, ELLENDALE 56026 Ellsworth Ind School Dist 514, Ellsworth 56129 Elmore Ind School District 219, ELMORE 56027 Ely Ind School District 696, Ely 55731 Esko Ind School District 99, Esko 55733 Evansville Ind School Dist 208, Evansville 56326 Eveleth-gilbert Sch Dist 2154, Eveleth 55734 Fairmont Area School Dist 2752, Fairmont 56031 Faribault Ind School Dist 656, Faribault 55021 Farmington Ind School Dist 192, Farmington 55024 Fergus Falls Ind Sch Dist 544, Fergus Falls 56537 Fertile-beltrami Ind Sd 599, Fertile 56540 Fillmore Central Sch Dist 2198, Preston 55965 Fillmore Central Sec Sd 228, HARMONY 55939 Finlayson Ind School Dist 570, FINLAYSON 55735 Fisher Ind School District 600, Fisher 56723 Floodwood Ind School Dist 698, Floodwood 55736 Foley Ind School District 51, Foley 56329 Forest Lake Ind Sch Dist 831, Forest Lake 55025 Fosston Ind School Dist 601, Fosston 56542 Franklin Ind School Dist 650, FRANKLIN 55333 Frazee-vergas Ind Sch Dist 23, Frazee 56544 Fridley Ind School District 14, Fridley 55432 Fulda Ind School District 505, Fulda 56131 Gary Ind School District 523, GARY 56545 Gaylord Ind School Dist 732, GAYLORD 55334 Gfw Public School Dist 2365, Gibbon 55335 Gibbon Ind School District 733, GIBBON 55335 Gilbert Ind School Dist 699, GILBERT 55741 Glencoe Silver Lake Isd 2859, Glencoe 55336 Glenville Ind School Dist 245, GLENVILLE 56036 Glenville-emmons Isd 2886, Glenville 56036 Glyndon-Felton Cmty Sd 145, GLYNDON 56547 Gonvick-Trail Cmty Sd 158, GONVICK 56644 Goodhue Ind School Dist 253, Goodhue 55027 Goodridge Ind School Dist 561, Goodridge 56725 Granada-huntley E Chain Sd, Granada 56039 Grand Meadow Pub Sch Dist 495, Grand Meadow 55936 Grand Rapids Ind Sch Dist 318, Grand Rapids 55744 Greenbush-middle River Sd 2683, Greenbush 56726 Greenway Ind School Dist 316, Coleraine 55722 Grey Eagle Ind School Dist 791, GREY EAGLE 56336 Grove City Ind School Dist 464, GROVE CITY 56243 Grygla Ind School District 447, Grygla 56727 Hancock Ind Sch Dist 768, Hancock 56244 Hastings Ind School Dist 200, Hastings 55033 Hawley Ind School District 150, Hawley 56549 Hayfield Ind School Dist 203, Hayfield 55940 Hendricks Ind School Dist 402, Hendricks 56136 Hennepin Tech Voc School Dist, EDEN PRAIRIE 55347 Henning Ind School Dist 545, Henning 56551 Herman-norcross Cmty Sd 264, Herman 56248 Hermantown Ind School Dist 700, Hermantown 55811 Heron Lake-okabena Isd 330, Okabena 56161 Hibbing Ind School Dist 701, Hibbing 55746 Hill City Ind School Dist 2, Hill City 55748 Hills-beaver Creek Ind Sd 671, Hills 56138 Hinckley-finlayson Psd 2165, Hinckley 55037 Hoffman Ind School Dist 265, BARRETT 56311 Holdingford Ind Sch Dist 738, Holdingford 56340 Hopkins Ind School Dist 270, Hopkins 55305 Houston Ind School Dist 294, Houston 55943 Hutchinson Ind School Dist 423, Hutchinson 55350 Independent Sch Dist 2527, HENDRUM 56550 Independent Sd 2687, Howard Lake 55349 Intermediate School Dist 287, Plymouth 55441 International Falls Ind Sd 361, Intl Falls 56649 Inver Grove Heights Isd 199, Inver Grove 55076 Isle Ind School District 473, Isle 56342 Ivanhoe Ind School Dist 403, Ivanhoe 56142 Jackson Co Central Sd 2895, Jackson 56143 Janesvle-wldrf-pmbrtn Isd 2835, Janesville 56048 Jasper Ind School District 582, JASPER 56144 Joint Powers School Dist 6059, BLUE EARTH 56013 Joint Powers School District, GLENWOOD 56334 Jordan Ind School District 717, Jordan 55352 Kasson-mantorville Ind Sd 204, Kasson 55944 Kelliher Ind School Dist 36, Kelliher 56650 Kennedy Ind School Dist 354, KENNEDY 56733 Kenyon-wanamingo Sd 2172, Wanamingo 55983 Kerkhoven-murdck-sunbrg Sd 775, Kerkhoven 56252 Kimball Ind School Dist 739, Kimball 55353 Kingsland Public Sch Dist 2137, Spring Valley 55975 Kittson Central Sch Dist 2171, Hallock 56728 La Crescent-hokah Ind Sd 300, La Crescent 55947 Lac Qui Parle Vly Isd 2853, Madison 56256 Lake Benton Ind Sch Dist 404, Lake Benton 56149 Lake City Ind School Dist 813, Lake City 55041 Lake Crystal-welcome Mem 2071, Lake Crystal 56055 Lake Of The Woods Isd 390, Baudette 56623 Lake Park Independent Sd 24, LAKE PARK 56554 Lake Park-audubon Isd 2889, Lake Park 56554 Lake Superior Ind Sch Dist 381, Two Harbors 55616 Lakefield Ind School Dist 325, LAKEFIELD 56150 Lakeview Ind School Dist 2167, Cottonwood 56229 Lakeville Ind School Dist 194, Lakeville 55044 Lancaster Ind School Dist 356, Lancaster 56735 Lanesboro Ind School Dist 229, Lanesboro 55949 Laporte Ind School Dist 306, Laporte 56461 Le Center Ind School Dist 392, Le Center 56057 Le Sueur-henderson Isd 2397, Le Sueur 56058 Leroy-ostrander Ind Sd 499, Le Roy 55951 Lester Prairie Ind Sd 424, Lester Pr 55354 Lewiston-altura Isd 857, Lewiston 55952 Library Litchfield Ind School Dist 465, Litchfield 55355 Little Falls Ind Sch Dist 482, Little Falls 56345 Littlefork-big Falls Sd 362, Littlefork 56653 Long Prairie-grey Eagle 2753, Long Prairie 56347 Luverne Ind School Dist 2184, Luverne 56156 Lyle Ind School District 497, Lyle 55953 Lynd Ind School District 415, Lynd 56157 Mabel-canton Ind Sch Dist 238, Mabel 55954 Maccray Ind School Dist 2180, Clara City 56222 Madelia Ind School Dist 837, Madelia 56062 Madison-Marietta-Nas Dist 2153, MADISON 56256 Magnolia Ind School Dist 669, MAGNOLIA 56158 Mahnomen Ind School Dist 432, Mahnomen 56557 Mahtomedi Ind School Dist 832, Mahtomedi 55115 Mankato Area Public Schs, Mankato 56001 Maple Lake Ind School Dist 881, Maple Lake 55358 Maple River School Dist 2135, Mapleton 56065 Marshall Co Central Isd 441, Newfolden 56738 Marshall Ind School Dist 413, Marshall 56258 Martin Co West Sch Dist 2448, Welcome 56181 Maynard Ind Sch Dist 127, MAYNARD 56260 Mcgregor Ind School Dist 4, Mcgregor 55760 McLeod West Sch Dist 2887, Brownton 55312 Medford Ind School Dist 763, Medford 55049 Melrose Area Ind Sd 740, Melrose 56352 Menahga Ind School Dist 821, Menahga 56464 Mentor Ind School District 604, MENTOR 56736 Mesabi East Ind Sch Dist 2711, Aurora 55705 Middle River Ind Sch Dist 440, MIDDLE RIVER 56737 Milaca Ind School District 912, Milaca 56353 Milan Ind School District 128, MILAN 56262 Milroy Ind School District 635, Milroy 56263 Minneapolis Psd-area A, Minneapolis 55413 Minneapolis Psd-area B, Minneapolis 55413 Minneapolis Psd-area C, Minneapolis 55413 Minneapolis Psd-South Area, Minneapolis 55403 Minneapolis Public Sch Dist, Minneapolis 55413 Minneota Public Schools, Minneota 56264 Minnesota Lake Ind Sd 223, MINNSOTA LAKE 56068 Minnetonka Isd 276, Minnetonka 55345 Minnewaska Area Sch Dist 2149, Glenwood 56334 Montevideo Ind School Dist 129, Montevideo 56265 Monticello Ind School Dist 882, Monticello 55362 Moorhead Ind School Dist 152, Moorhead 56560 Moose Lake Ind School Dist 97, Moose Lake 55767 Mora Ind School Dist 332, Mora 55051 Morris Ind School District 769, Morris 56267 Morristown Ind School Dist 657, MORRISTOWN 55052 Morton Elem School Dist 652, MORTON 56270 Motley Ind School District 483, MOTLEY 56466 Mounds View Ind Sch Dist 621, Saint Paul 55126 Mountain Iron-buhl Isd 712, Mountain Iron 55768 Mountain Lake Ind Sch Dist 173, Mountain Lake 56159 Murray Co Central Isd 2169, Slayton 56172 N St Paul Mplwd Oakdale Sd 622, N Saint Paul 55109 Nashwauk-keewatin Ind Sd 319, Nashwauk 55769 Nett Lake Ind School Dist 707, Nett Lake 55772 Nevis Ind School District 308, Nevis 56467 New London-spicer Ind Sd 0345, New London 56273 New Prague Area Schools Sd 721, New Prague 56071 New Ulm Pub Sch District 88, New Ulm 56073 New York Mills Ind Sd 553, New York Mls 56567 Nicollet Ind School Dist 507, Nicollet 56074 Norman Co East Isd 2215, Twin Valley 56584 Norman Co West Isd 2527, Hendrum 56550 North Branch Ind Sch Dist 138, Branch 55056 North Country Voc Co-Op Dist, BEMIDJI 56601 Northfield Ind School Dist 659, Northfield 55057 Northland Cmty Sd 118, Remer 56672 Northwest Voc Co-Op District, THIEF RVR FLS 56701 Nrheg Isd 2168, New Richland 56072 Oakland Vocational District, CAMBRIDGE 55008 Ogilvie Ind School Dist 333, Ogilvie 56358 Onamia Ind School Dist 480, Onamia 56359 Orono Ind School District 278, Long Lake 55356 Ortonville Ind Sch Dist 2903, Ortonville 56278 Osakis Ind School District 213, Osakis 56360 Osseo Ind School District 279, Maple Grove 55369 Owatonna School Dist 761, Owatonna 55060 Park Rapids Ind Sch Dist 309, Park Rapids 56470 Parkers Prairie Ind Sd 547, Parkers Pr 56361 Paynesville Ind Sch Dist 741, Paynesville 56362 Pelican Rapids Ind Sd 548, Pel Rapids 56572 Pequot Lakes Ind Sch Dist 186, Pequot Lakes 56472 Perham-dent Ind Sch Dist 549, Perham 56573 Pierz School District 484, Pierz 56364 Pillager Ind School Dist 116, Pillager 56473 Pine City Sch District 578, Pine City 55063 Pine Island School Dist 255, Pine Island 55963 Pine Point School Dist 25, Ponsford 56575 Pine River-backus Ind Sd 2174, Pine River 56474 Pine To Prairie Co-Op District, RED LAKE FLS 56750 Pipestone Area Sch Dist 2689, Pipestone 56164 Plainview Elgin Millville Sd, Plainview 55964 Plummer Ind Sch Dist 628, Plummer 56748 Prairie Lakes Voc Co-Op Dist, WORTHINGTON 56187 Princeton Public Sch Dist 477, Princeton 55371 Prior Lake-savage Area Sd 719, Prior Lake 55372 Private School Proctor Ind School Dist 704, Proctor 55810 Randolph School District 195, Randolph 55065 Raymond Ind School Dist 346, RAYMOND 56282 Red Lake Co Central Isd 627, Oklee 56742 Red Lake Falls Sch Dist 630, Rl Falls 56750 Red Lake Ind Sd 38, Redlake 56671 Red River Vly Voc Co-Op Dist, E GRAND FORKS 56721 Red Rock Central Ind Sd 2884, Lamberton 56152 Red Wing School District 256, Red Wing 55066 Redwood Falls Sch Dist 2897, Redwood Falls 56283 Regional Center Renville Co West Sch Dist 2890, Renville 56284 Richfield School District 280, Richfield 55423 Robbinsdale Ind Sch Dist 281, New Hope 55427 Rochester School District 535, Rochester 55902 Rockford School District 883, Rockford 55373 Rocori Ind Sch Dist 750, Cold Spring 56320 Roseau School District 682, Roseau 56751 Rosemount-apple Vly-eagan 196, Rosemount 55068 Roseville School District 623, Roseville 55113 Rothsay School District 850, Rothsay 56579 Round Lake School District 516, Round Lake 56167 Royalton School District 485, Royalton 56373 Rush City Ind School Dist 139, Rush City 55069 Rushford-peterson Isd 239, Rushford 55971 Russell School District 418, Russell 56169 Russell Tyler Ruthton Sd 2902, Tyler 56178 Ruthton School District 584, Ruthton 56170 Sacred Heart School Dist 655, SACRED HEART 56285 Sanborn Public School Dist 638, SANBORN 56083 Sartell-st Stephen Sd 748, Sartell 56377 Sauk Centre School Dist 743, Sauk Centre 56378 Sauk Rapids-rice Sch Dist 47, Sauk Rapids 56379 Sebeka Ind School District 820, Sebeka 56477 Shakopee School District 720, Shakopee 55379 Sibley East Ind Sch Dist 2310, Arlington 55307 Silver Lake School Dist 425, SILVER LAKE 55381 Sleepy Eye School District 84, Sleepy Eye 56085 South Koochiching Sd 363, Northome 56661 South St Paul Special Sd 6, South St Paul 55075 South Washington Co Sd 833, Cottage Grove 55016 Southland School District 500, Adams 55909 Spring Grove School Dist 297, Spring Grove 55974 Spring Lake Park Sd 16, Spring Lk Pk 55432 Springfield School District 85, Springfield 56087 St Anthony-new Brighton Sd 282, Minneapolis 55418 St Charles Ind School Dist 858, Saint Charles 55972 St Clair School District 75, Saint Clair 56080 St Cloud Ind Sch Dist 742, Saint Cloud 56303 St Francis School District 15, Saint Francis 55070 St James School District 840, Saint James 56081 St Louis Co Isd 2142, Virginia 55792 St Louis Park School Dist 283, St Louis Park 55426 St Michael-albertville Sd 885, Albertville 55301 St Paul Elementary Sch Dist 1, Saint Paul 55102 St Paul Elementary Sch Dist 2, Saint Paul 55102 St Paul High Sch Dist, Saint Paul 55102 St Paul Independent Sd 625, Saint Paul 55102 St Paul Isd-Area E, Saint Paul 55102 St Paul Middle Sch Dist, Saint Paul 55102 St Paul Middle Sch Ed Area, Saint Paul 55102 St Peter Ind School Dist 508, Saint Peter 56082 Staples-motley Isd 2170, Staples 56479 Starbuck School District 614, STARBUCK 56381 State Department State Operated School Stephen-argyle Central Sd 2856, Stephen 56757 Stewart Ind School Dist 426, STEWART 55385 Stewartville School Dist 534, Stewartville 55976 Stillwater School Dist 834, Stillwater 55082 Storden-Jeffers-Redrock Ctl Sd, STORDEN 56174 Swanville School District 486, Swanville 56382 Taylors Falls Ind Sch Dist 140, TAYLORS FALLS 55084 Thief River Falls Sd 564, Thief Rvr Fls 56701 Tower Soudan School Dist 708, TOWER 55790 Tracy Ind School District 2904, Tracy 56175 Tri-City Unfi Sch Dist 2905, Montgomery 56069 Tri-co Ind School Dist 2358, Karlstad 56732 Triton Ind School Dist 2125, Dodge Center 55927 Truman School District 458, Truman 56088 Ulen-hitterdal Sch Dist 914, Ulen 56585 Underwood School District 550, Underwood 56586 United South Central Isd 2134, Wells 56097 United South Central Sd 217, BRICELYN 56014 United South Central Sd 222, KIESTER 56051 United South Central Sd 244, FREEBORN 56032 Upsala Area School Dist 487, Upsala 56384 Valley North Secondary Sd, OSLO 56744 Verdi School District 408, VERDI 56179 Verndale Ind School Dist 818, Verndale 56481 Villard School District 615, GLENWOOD 56334 Virginia Public Sch Dist 706, Virginia 55792 W St Paul-mendota-eagan Sd 197, Mendota Hts 55118 Wabasha-kellogg Isd 811, Wabasha 55981 Wabasso School District 640, Wabasso 56293 Waconia School District 110, Waconia 55387 Wadena-deer Creek Sd 2155, Wadena 56482 Walker-hackensak-akeley 113, Walker 56484 Walnut Grove School Dist 641, Walnut Grove 56180 Wanamingo Ind School Dist 258, WANAMINGO 55983 Warren-alvarado-oslo Sd 2176, Warren 56762 Warroad School District 690, Warroad 56763 Waseca Public School Dist, Waseca 56093 Watertown-mayer Sch Dist 111, Watertown 55388 Watrvle-elysian-mrstwn Sd 2143, Waterville 56096 Waubun Independent Sd 435, Waubun 56589 Wayzata School District 284, Wayzata 55391 West Central Area Sd 2342, Barrett 56311 West Metro Education Programs, Minneapolis 55403 Westbrook-walnut Grove Sd 2898, Westbrook 56183 Westonka Ind School Dist 277, Mound 55364 Wheaton School District 803, Wheaton 56296 White Bear Lake Sch Dist-624, White Bear Lk 55110 Willmar School District 347, Willmar 56201 Willow River School Dist 577, Willow River 55795 Win-e-mac School Dist 2609, Erskine 56535 Windom School District 177, Windom 56101 Winnebago Ind Sch Dist 225, WINNEBAGO 56098 Winona Area Ind Sch Dist 861, Winona 55987 Winsted School District 427, WINSTED 55395 Winthrop School District 735, WINTHROP 55396 Worthington School Dist 518, Worthington 56187 Wrenshall School District 100, Wrenshall 55797 Wright Tech Co-op District, Buffalo 55313 Wykoff School District 236, WYKOFF 55990 Yellow Medicine East Sd 2190, Granite Falls 56241 Z HRW Sample Disctict 626, Austin 00001 Zumbrota-mazeppa Isd 2805, Mazeppa 55956 ZZ Harcourt Review MN Dist A, Test City 10000 ZZ Harcourt Training MN Dist A, Test City 90107
School: Select a school AGASSIZ EDUCATION, SAINT VINCENT 56755 Accell Academy, Minnetonka 55345 Adventist Christian School, Detroit Lakes 56501 Al Amal School, Fridley 55432 Alliance Education Center, Rosemount 55068 Anoka Adventist Chrn School, Anoka 55303 Bais Yaakov High School, Minneapolis 55416 Bemidji Sda School, Bemidji 56601 Benson Christian School, Benson 56215 Berea Lutheran School, Inver Grove 55077 Bethany Academy-Richfield, Bloomington 55437 Bethany Academy-bloomington, Minneapolis 55437 Bethany Christian School, MOUNTAIN LAKE 56159 Bethel Cmty Christian School, BETHEL 55005 Bethel Training Center, Meadowlands 55765 Bible Baptist School, CROOKSTON 56716 Bible Baptist School, E GRAND FORKS 56721 Blake Middle School, Hopkins 55343 Blake School - Highcroft Camp, Wayzata 55391 Blake School Highcroft Campus, WAYZATA 55391 Blake School Lower Campus, Hopkins 55343 Blake School, Minneapolis 55403 Bloomington/living Hope School, Bloomington 55438 Borderland Christian School, WARROAD 56763 Breck Lower School, Golden Valley 55422 Bryant Ave Baptist School, Minneapolis 55419 Calvary Baptist Academy, Cambridge 55008 Calvary Christian School, WORTHINGTON 56187 Calvary Memorial Christian Sch, Wayzata 55391 Calvin Academy, Mounds View 55112 Calvin Christian High School, Minneapolis 55432 Calvin Christian School, Minneapolis 55416 Calvin Christian School, Minneapolis 55434 Cambridge Christian School, Cambridge 55008 Canon River Education Ctr, Faribault 55021 Capitol City Sda School, Saint Paul 55119 Cedercrest Academy, Maple Grove 55311 Center School, Minneapolis 55404 Central Lutheran School, Saint Paul 55104 Central Minnesota Chrn School, Prinsburg 56281 Challenge Academy, Minneapolis 55404 Chandler Christian School, Chandler 56122 Chapel Hill Academy, Chanhassen 55317 Children's Ctr Montessori Ii, Saint Paul 55116 Chisago Lakes Baptist School, Chisago City 55013 Christ Cmty Lutheran School, Watertown 55388 Christ Household Of Faith Sch, Saint Paul 55102 Christ Lutheran Day School, North St Paul 55109 Christ Lutheran School, Zumbrota 55992 Christ Our Redeemer School, North Mankato 56003 Christian Centre School, RED WING 55066 Christian Community School, Grand Rapids 55744 Christian Fellowship School, DETROIT LAKES 56501 Christian Grammar, SAINT PAUL 55113 Christian Heritage Academy, Rosemount 55068 Christian Life School, Farmington 55024 Christian School, BATTLE LAKE 56515 Church of the Epiphany, COON RAPIDS 55433 City Inc North, Minneapolis 55411 City Inc South, Minneapolis 55411 City Of Lakes Waldorf School, Minneapolis 55404 Classical Academy, Minneapolis 55416 Cloquet Christian Academy, Cloquet 55720 Close To My Heart, Saint Paul 55109 Cloverdale Christian School, Nashwauk 55769 Community Christian School, Milaca 56353 Community Christian School, Willmar 56201 Concordia Acad, Saint Paul 55113 Concordia Academy, Saint Paul 55113 Concordia-immanuel School, Red Wing 55066 Coon Rapids Christian School, Minneapolis 55433 Cornerstone Christian School, Emily 56447 Country Bible Christian Acad, Ashby 56309 Cristo Rey Jesuit Hs-twin City, Minneapolis 55408 Cross Of Christ Lutheran Sch, Minneapolis 55433 Crown Christian School, Saint Francis 55070 Crown Of Life Lutheran School, W Saint Paul 55118 Csd Abe Program, Saint Paul 55113 Delano Christian Academy, DELANO 55328 Detroit Lakes Sda, DETROIT LAKES 56501 Eagle Country Christian Acad, Remer 56672 Eagle Ridge Academy-lwr Campus, Minneapolis 55410 East St Paul Lutheran SCH, Saint Paul 55106 East St Paul Lutheran School, Saint Paul 55119 East St Paul Lutheran School, Saint Paul 55119 Edgerton Christian Elem School, Edgerton 56128 El Shaddai School, Owatonna 55060 Emanuel Lutheran School, Hamburg 55339 Faith Baptist Christian School, Saint Paul 55130 Faith Christian High School, Bigelow 56117 Faith Christian School, CARLTON 55718 Faith Christian School, Detroit Lakes 56501 Faith Christian School, FORESTON 56330 Faith Christian School, Rochester 55904 Family Network, MINNEAPOLIS 55435 Family and Childrens Ctr, WINONA 55987 Faribault Luth Sch-peace Camp, Faribault 55021 Faribault Lutheran School, Faribault 55021 First Babtsit School, PRINCETON 55371 First Baptist Christian School, INTL FALLS 56649 First Baptist Christian School, Park Rapids 56470 First Baptist Christian School, Princeton 55371 First Baptist School, Rosemount 55068 First Lutheran School, Glencoe 55336 Footprints Academy, Woodbury 55125 Fourth Baptist Christian Sch, Plymouth 55441 Fraser School, Minneapolis 55423 Fredenberg Christian Academy, Duluth 55803 Free Christian School, Edgerton 56128 French Academy Of Minnesota, Minneapolis 55426 Friends School Of Minnesota, Saint Paul 55104 Gethsemane Lutheran School, Maplewood 55119 Golden Years Montessori School, Minneapolis 55416 Good Shepherd Lutheran School, Burnsville 55306 Grace Christian School, Grand Rapids 55744 Grace Christian School, Grasston 55030 Grace Christian School, Mankato 56001 Grace Lutheran Christian Sch, Deephaven 55391 Grace Lutheran School, Dodge Center 55927 Grace Lutheran School, Fridley 55432 Granite City Baptist Academy, Saint Cloud 56303 Grasston Christian Academy, GRASSTON 55030 Greene Valley Sda School, Rochester 55906 Groves Academy, Minneapolis 55416 Guadalupe Alternative Program, Saint Paul 55107 Harvest Christian School, Sandstone 55072 Heartland Christian Academy, Bemidji 56601 Heritage Christian Academy, Maple Grove 55311 Heritage Christian School, Karlstad 56732 Hillcrest Lutheran Academy, Fergus Falls 56537 Hills Christian School, Hills 56138 Holland Center, Minnetonka 55343 Hollandale Christian School, Hollandale 56045 Holy Cross Lutheran Pre-School, Austin 55912 Holy Innocents School, Waite Park 56387 Hope Academy, Minneapolis 55404 Hope Christian Academy, St Paul Park 55071 Hope Lutheran High School, Winona 55987 Hope Lutheran School, Cloquet 55720 Immanuel Lutheran School, Courtland 56021 Immanuel Lutheran School, Gaylord 55334 Immanuel Lutheran School, Gibbon 55335 Immanuel Lutheran School, Hutchinson 55350 Immanuel Lutheran School, Lakefield 56150 Immanuel Lutheran School, Lewiston 55952 Immanuel Lutheran School, MINNEAPOLIS 55411 Immanuel Lutheran School, Mankato 56001 Immanuel Lutheran School, Plainview 55964 International School Of Mn, Eden Prairie 55344 Jefferson Christian School, South St Paul 55075 Karlstad Sda School, KARLSTAD 56732 Katahdin School, Minneapolis 55404 King Of Grace Lutheran School, Golden Valley 55422 King Of Kings Lutheran School, Roseville 55113 King's Christian Academy, Minneapolis 55419 Lake Country Christian School, Starbuck 56381 Lake Country School, Minneapolis 55409 Lake Region Christian School, Baxter 56425 Lakeview Christian Academy, Duluth 55811 Laura Baker School, Northfield 55057 Legacy Christian Academy, Andover 55304 Leota Christian School, Leota 56153 Liberty Classical Academy, Saint Paul 55109 Life Academy, Bloomington 55431 Life Christian Academy, Grand Rapids 55744 Lifespan School, Saint Paul 55126 Lincoln International Hs, Minneapolis 55404 Lion's Gate Christian Academy, Bloomington 55420 Living Hope Lutheran School, Shakopee 55379 Living Word Academy, Eagan 55122 Loring-nicollet Alt School, Minneapolis 55403 Lubavitch Cheder School, Saint Paul 55116 Magnuson Christian School, Saint Paul 55110 Maplewood Academy, Hutchinson 55350 Maranatha Adventist Chrn Sch, Dodge Center 55927 Maranatha Christian Academy, Minneapolis 55428 Marshall Area Christian School, Marshall 56258 Marshall School, Duluth 55811 Martin Luther High School, Northrop 56075 Mayer Lutheran High School, Mayer 55360 Menlo Park Alternative School, Minneapolis 55413 Merc Alternative High School, Minneapolis 55404 Metropolitan Open School, St Louis Park 55426 Minneapolis Jewish Day School, Minneapolis 55416 Minneapolis Youth Academy, Minneapolis 55403 Minnehaha Academy-bloomington, Bloomington 55431 Minnehaha Academy-north Campus, Minneapolis 55406 Minnehaha Academy-south Campus, Minneapolis 55406 Minnesota Valley Lutheran Hs, New Ulm 56073 Minnesota Waldorf School, Maplewood 55117 Minnetonka Christian Academy, Minnetonka 55345 Miracle Centre, South St Paul 55075 Montessori Renaissance School, Anoka 55303 Montessori School Of Duluth, Duluth 55803 Morning Son Christian School, Fergus Falls 56537 Mounds Park Academy, Saint Paul 55109 Mountain Lake Christian School, Mountain Lake 56159 Mt Calvary Lutheran Pre School, Richfield 55423 Mt Hope Redemption Luth School, Minneapolis 55420 Mt Olive Lutheran School, Delano 55328 Mt Olive Lutheran School, Mankato 56001 Nacel International School, St. Paul 55104 New Covenant Chrn School, NORTHFIELD 55057 New Dominion School, Austin 55912 New Horizon Academy, Lakeville 55044 New Life Academy, Woodbury 55129 New Testament Christian School, Alexandria 56308 New Ulm Christian School, New Ulm 56073 Nexus Sites-gerald Academy, Austin 55912 North Heights Christian Acad, Roseville 55113 North Shore Christian Academy, Beaver Bay 55601 North Star Christian Academy, Little Falls 56345 Northern Lights School, ANOKA 55303 Northern Voices, Saint Paul 55113 Northland Christian School, Saint Cloud 56304 Northside Christian School, BLAINE 55434 Northwood Christian School, Littlefork 56653 Northwoods Elementary School, Hutchinson 55350 Oak Hill Montessori School, Saint Paul 55126 Oak Street Cristian School, Brainerd 56401 Oakwood School, DEXTER 55926 Ombudsman School-Minnesota, EDEN PRAIRIE 55346 Operation Denovo, MINNEAPOLIS 55415 Our Savior Lutheran School, Crookston 56716 Our Savior Lutheran School, Excelsior 55331 Our Savior Lutheran, SAINT PAUL 55106 Our Savior's Lutheran School, Hutchinson 55350 Owatonna Christian School, Owatonna 55060 PRIMROSE SCHOOL OF ROCHESTER, ROCHESTER 55901 Park Christian School, Moorhead 56560 Parkside Sda School, Faribault 55021 Petra Lutheran School, Sauk Rapids 56379 Pilgrim Lutheran School, Minneapolis 55409 Pine Harbor Christian Academy, Hastings 55033 Pine Ridge Christian School, WARROAD 56763 Pioneers Academy, MINNEAPOLIS 55444 Plymouth Alt Youth Center, Minneapolis 55411 Plymouth Christian Youth Ctr, Minneapolis 55411 Plymouth Youth Ctr-Midwest, MINNEAPOLIS 55411 Plymouth Youth Ctr-Oliver, Minneapolis 55411 Prairie Lutheran School, Fairfax 55332 Primrose Sch of Eden Prairie, EDEN PRAIRIE 55347 Primrose School Lakeville Nort, Lakeville 55044 Prince Of Peace Lutheran Sch, Saint Cloud 56303 Prince of Peace Lutheran Sch, Spring Lk Pk 55432 Princeton Ev Lutheran School, Princeton 55371 Prior Lake Christian Academy, Prior Lake 55372 Range Christian Academy, Virginia 55792 Red River Valley Academy, Moorhead 56560 Red Rock Alt Ed, Windom 56101 Red Wing Christian Academy, Red Wing 55066 Redeemer Lutheran School, Wayzata 55391 Residential Programs, Saint Paul 55116 Resurrection Chrn Academy, Brooklyn Park 55444 Resurrection Lutheran School, Rochester 55901 Rice County Day Treatment, Faribault 55021 Risen Savior Lutheran School, Mankato 56001 River Heights Lutheran School, E GRAND FORKS 56721 Rivercrest Christian School, MONTICELLO 55362 Rivers Christian Academy, Elk River 55330 Riverside Christian School, E Grand Forks 56721 Riverview Christian School, Grove City 56243 Riverwoods School, Saint Cloud 56301 Rochester Arts & Science Acad, Rochester 55901 Rochester Christian School, ROCHESTER 55901 Rochester Ctrl Lutheran School, Rochester 55901 Rochester Montessori School, Rochester 55901 Rochester Pentecostal School, Rochester 55904 Roseau Christian School, ROSEAU 56751 Salem Lutheran School, Greenfield 55357 Salem Lutheran School, Stillwater 55082 Salt High School, Minneapolis 55404 Samuel Lutheran School, Marshall 56258 Schaeffer Academy, ROCHESTER 55901 Schaeffer Academy, Rochester 55906 Second Foundation School, Minneapolis 55414 Shattuck-st Marys School, Faribault 55021 Shepherd Of The Hills School, INVER GRV HTS 55076 Solid Rock Christian Academy, Elk River 55330 Sonrise Christian School, Bluffton 56518 Southview Christian School, Burnsville 55306 Southwest Christian High Sch, Chaska 55318 St Andrew's Lutheran School, St Paul Park 55071 St Andrews Academy, Saint Paul 55115 St Anne Academy, White Bear Lk 55110 St Cloud Christian School, Saint Cloud 56301 St Croix Lutheran School, W Saint Paul 55118 St Francis Christian School, Saint Francis 55070 St James Lutheran School, Howard Lake 55349 St James Lutheran School, Northrop 56075 St John Evang Lutheran School, Sleepy Eye 56085 St John Lutheran School, Caledonia 55921 St John Lutheran School, Dakota 55925 St John Lutheran School, Elk River 55330 St John Lutheran School, Goodhue 55027 St John Lutheran School, Lewiston 55952 St John Lutheran School, Saint Paul 55106 St John Lutheran School, Thief Rvr Fls 56701 St John Lutheran School, Wood Lake 56297 St John'S Lutheran School, ARLINGTON 55307 St John'S Lutheran School, Good Thunder 56037 St John'S Lutheran School, Minneapolis 55413 St John'S Lutheran School, OTTERTAIL 56571 St John'S Lutheran School, SAINT PAUL 55106 St John's Lutheran School, Atwater 56209 St John's Lutheran School, Chaska 55318 St John's Lutheran School, Corcoran 55340 St John's Lutheran School, Hutchinson 55350 St John's Lutheran School, Lake City 55041 St John's Lutheran School, Red Wing 55066 St John's Lutheran School, Redwood Falls 56283 St John's Lutheran School, Vernon Center 56090 St John's Lutheran School, Wykoff 55990 St John's Lutheran School, Young America 55397 St Johns Lutheran School, Okabena 56161 St Johns Lutheran School, Saint James 56081 St Mark Lutheran School, New Germany 55367 St Mark's Lutheran School, Bemidji 56601 St Martins Lutheran School, Winona 55987 St Matthew's Lutheran School, Winona 55987 St Paul Acad & Summit Sch-uppr, Saint Paul 55105 St Paul Acad & Summit School, Saint Paul 55105 St Paul Idt, Saint Paul 55104 St Paul Lutheran School, Chatfield 55923 St Paul Lutheran School, Fulda 56131 St Paul Lutheran School, New Ulm 56073 St Paul Lutheran School, Truman 56088 St Paul Preparatory School, Saint Paul 55101 St Paul's Lutheran School, Arlington 55307 St Paul's Lutheran School, Cannon Falls 55009 St Paul's Lutheran School, Fairmont 56031 St Paul's Lutheran School, Perham 56573 St Paul's Lutheran School, Prior Lake 55372 St Paul's Lutheran School, Saint James 56081 St Pauls Lutheran School, Austin 55912 St Pauls Lutheran School, Ceylon 56121 St Peter's Lutheran School, Balaton 56115 St Peter's Lutheran School, Edina 55410 St Peter's Lutheran School, Gibbon 55335 St Scholastica School, Cambridge 55008 Starland School, Gibbon 55335 Stone Ridge Christian School, Duluth 55811 Summit Academy, Minneapolis 55405 Sw Minnesota Chrn High School, Edgerton 56128 THE BEST ACADEMY, MINNEAPOLIS 55411 Talmud Torah Of St Paul School, Saint Paul 55116 Tatanka Academy, Minneapolis 55414 Tesseract School, Eagan 55122 Thief River Falls Sda School, THIEF RVR FLS 56701 Timothy Lutheran School, Minneapolis 55426 Torah Academy, Minneapolis 55416 Trinity Christian School, North Branch 55056 Trinity First Lutheran School, Minneapolis 55404 Trinity Lone Oak Luth School, Eagan 55121 Trinity Lutheran School, Belle Plaine 56011 Trinity Lutheran School, Fergus Falls 56537 Trinity Lutheran School, Janesville 56048 Trinity Lutheran School, Johnson 56250 Trinity Lutheran School, Long Prairie 56347 Trinity Lutheran School, Morristown 55052 Trinity Lutheran School, Nicollet 56074 Trinity Lutheran School, Saint Francis 55070 Trinity Lutheran School, Waconia 55387 Trinity School At River Ridge, Eagan 55121 Twin Cities Jewish School, Minneapolis 55416 Twin Oaks School, Fergus Falls 56537 Uptown Academy, Minneapolis 55408 Urban League Academy Hs, Minneapolis 55404 Valley Christian School, Taylors Falls 55084 Victory Christian Academy, Hibbing 55746 Victory Christian Academy, Rochester 55904 Victory Christian School, WANAMINGO 55983 Wadena Christian School, WADENA 56482 Way Of The Shepherd School, Blaine 55434 West Concord Public Charter Sc, WEST CONCORD 55985 West Lutheran High School, Plymouth 55447 Westbrook Christian School, Westbrook 56183 Wilson Academy, Faribault 55021 Windsong Sda Christian School, PIPESTONE 56164 Winona Area Catholic Schools, WINONA 55987 Winwood Academy, MINNEAPOLIS 55422 Woodcrest Baptist Academy, Fridley 55432 Worthington Christian School, Worthington 56187 Zion Christian School, BIG LAKE 55309 Zion Lutheran School, Alexandria 56308 Zion Lutheran School, Cologne 55322 Zion Lutheran School, Mayer 55360 Zion Lutheran School, Sanborn 56083 Zoe Academy, Minneapolis 55423 N/A